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3 Ways To Use "Resolution Marketing" In The New Year

It’s the first monday of the new year and even if you aren’t usually a person to make new year’s resolutions, chances are you are still thinking about doing things slightly differently in 2009 than you did in 2008. It’s a new start and that’s the beauty of the first few weeks in January. They are a time when you can swear off the mistakes of last year and choose to do things differently. It also presents a big opportunity for marketing. Here are three ways that you could use "resolution marketing" to position and promote your brand in the new year:

  1. Help break a bad tradition – There is no better time to attack a competitor that your potential customers may have been doing business with for a long time and get them to switch. Utility services like home telephone service or car insurance are often things that people have chosen some time ago and stuck with more out of convenience than any long term loyalty. Target those customers with a compelling reason to break their old (and therefore outdated) tradition and consider switching to you.
  2. Offer small "resolution victories" – Many surveys being promoted in media this week could tell you the major resolutions for most people in the US and likely around the world. They range from common things like losing weight and working less to more niche dreams like finally buying that yacht or taking a trip to the Pyramids. No matter what the resolution, people want to feel good about moving towards their goal. Nothing does this as effectively as a "resolution victory." These are the small steps along the way to fulfilling a resolution. This could mean purchasing a Lonely Planet guide on Egypt, or choose Subway for lunch instead of that slice of deep dish pizza. Neither is about achieving the resolution, they are just small steps along the way, but still offer a powerful bonding moment with your brand if you can offer them.
  3. Create useful how-to content – Many resolutions are about education or optimization – in other words, how can I learn to do something new or do what I’m already doing more effectively? Both are perfect opportunities to use content to deliver a useful message that links back to your brand. So if you’re selling tea, for example, don’t just talk about your new flavor, offer some education on an afternoon tea ritual that can be done in a cubicle and transform your afternoon. As long as the content you’re creating is useful, it will be relevant and likely to be passed along.

Over the next few weeks, we all have a short time to use resolution marketing before it won’t work anymore. Before you accuse me of being pessimistic, I’m not saying that everyone will forget all about their resolutions in a few weeks. But I’m pretty sure that deep dish pizza place near your office will have a lot more business for lunch at the end of this month than they will have at the beginning of it. 

9 thoughts on “3 Ways To Use "Resolution Marketing" In The New Year”

  1. Rohit, it’s a good thought, and I think it caters to a broader idea with marketing today. Memes that are popular come and go extremely quickly (much like my New Years resolution about the gym…) and marketers who can react to fast moving memes will be much more successful.

    Being able to swap out content in nurture programs, react to new inbound sources of interest, and launch new initiatives is critical. The discipline of being able to move a marketing organization that quickly is a valuable skill.

    Thanks for the post.

  2. The Subway resolution is to eat dangerous amounts of salt in hopes of obtaining high blood pressure or cardiac arrest? Heh. Okay, okay, I’ll see the forest for the trees — nice reminder on new year opportunities.

  3. Resolution Victories – losing weight and working less to more niche dreams like finally buying that yacht or taking a trip to the Pyramids.

    Mabye it’s time for a few victories!

    Have a good year, and make sure your 3 ways are completed.

  4. Your post has on internet marketing is definitely true. Internet marketing has opened new ways of attracting visitors to the website giving the webmasters a way of earning cash as well as web status. Let’s see what the future holds for internet marketing.


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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.


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