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Victorinox Introduces A Swiss Army Knife For Your Powerpoint

Dsc_4930 One of the new arrivals to the Consumer Electronics Show this year is Victorinox celebrating their 125th anniversary by taking what many may consider a traditional and storied toolmaker and planting one foot firmly in the land of consumer electronics. Here at the CES Victorinox is set to announce their newest product, called Presentation Pro, which will be available to consumers in May of this year. The new knife follows the same form as the SwissFlash (a USB flash drive encased in a small sized Swiss Army Knife cover), but has several integrated new features including Bluetooth connectivity to advance slides and a laser pointer to point to stuff (and presumably for self defense too, since it’s an Army Knife after all!). The most thought out aspect is an integrated fingerprint security feature where you can secure your data on the flash and ensure that it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. Aside from giving you super spy status for having a gadget this cool, you’ll get the usual Swiss Army Knife features like the knife and scissors. Unless of course you happen to be flying, in which case they’ll offer a "flight friendly" version with no knife or scissors.

Here is a short video where Victorinox President Rick Taggart introduces the Presentation Pro:

5 thoughts on “Victorinox Introduces A Swiss Army Knife For Your Powerpoint”

  1. This is a classic example of how you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
    It’s so powerful to look at two or three products or functions that work and see how you can change them or, in this case, put them together.

    Only problem with this might be that many people aren’t comfortable carrying pocket knives anymore because security at airports doesn’t always allow them.

    I don’t know what this will retail for but it’s been interesting to watch how the cost of USB flash drives has dropped while the memory has increased. This has been happening to so many in the electronics industry … and I’d say a good example how each company tried to cut their competition by winning through ‘price’ and now they’re all suffering from miniscule margins. And that was even before the economy-related decline in sales.

    What are your thoughts Rohit?


  2. It may have just not been mentioned, but a presentation tool should also have a blank button to blank (or “black”) the screen to turn the attention back on the speaker. Much more useful for a presenter than having a knife, but it’s obvious that the knife is the hook. Take that away and you have just another presenter remote.

    Although, I guess I would be cursing myself if I got stranded on an island and had a blank button instead of a knife!


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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.


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