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The Making Of Personality Not Included

I recently release two things that I have never before put online and wanted to share them with all of you who read my blog on this Friday post.  The first is a presentation on Slideshare that takes you inside the story of how I sold and wrote my book in a visual presentation inspired by some of the work by folks like Garr Reynolds and Nancy Duarte.  The second is an exclusive link to download the entire Chapter 6 from Personality Not Included, which also has never before been available online.  Hopefully Chapter 6 gives you some nice train reading for your commute home this Friday evening in case you haven’t already picked up a copy of PNI, and I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts/feedback on the presentation below. 

*Based on a comment I already have, I’m planning to release another version of this presentation solely focused on what the book is about instead of the "making of" and will likely share that on Sunday before getting back to my regular blogging schedule (which is thankfully unrelated to pushing the book) on Monday.

12 thoughts on “The Making Of Personality Not Included”

  1. Rohit, I’ll ask for a Rohito at the club tonight!
    After such a convincing presentation, you’re next on the list after im finished with Tribes and Crowdsurfing.
    And I got to say that I’m jealous you got to meet Tim Ferriss!!!!
    Cheers from Canada

  2. Rohit, nice slides, as with Morgan … your book is next on my list!

    I work for a company where we have a great product and a great team. But outside of billable in front of client hours we do zero to capitalize on their great knowledge, passion and personality.

    It is almost like they are too scared … but I will drag them into the space kicking and screaming if I need to (and probably will need to).

    The slides of you with your baby at the laptop made me laugh … cause that is what i am doing right now. I think I should take some pics from the same angle.


  3. It was enlightening to see the alternate covers suggested. We have the benefit in hindsight, but I think the one you ended up choosing as the final was definitely the best. Now I’m compelled to share this around!

  4. And who was quoted as saying “death by powerpoint”!? This shows how a presentation can tell a really cool story (in over 70 slides) and create a result. I’m buying your book and will post your story on my blog (soon). Are you now working a 4 hour workweek? =)

  5. I love this presentation! Especially the transition between slides 20-22… “Half the battle…” I think the slide with you and your new born added the true *Personality* to this presentation. Great job Rohit.

    Btw, Amazon finally delivered my copy of PNI in Boston =)

  6. Well, this post was successful. I’m now leaving my office to go buy a copy of this book and start reading it.

    Don’t know why I didn’t pick up a copy sooner. Always enjoy the blog!


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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.


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